Although not all Christian churches use the same hymns, there are some common themes and lyrics among the songs they sing. Hymns are songs used to celebrate various Christian holidays and saints. They’re also often used in Christian services to set the mood and provide spiritual inspiration. Hymns can vary greatly depending on the denomination, but they typically have a chorus and a refrain that is repeated throughout the song. Hymns are a very common part of Christian services, so it’s important to know what they are and when to expect them during services at your local congregation. If you’re not familiar with most church hymns, or if you’re attending a new church for the first time, this guide will help you understand what you hear during church services and its significance to those who sing them.

What are common hymns?

Hymns are songs that are commonly used in Christian services to set the mood and provide spiritual inspiration. Hymns often have a chorus that is repeated throughout the song, and a refrain that is repeated at the beginning and end of each verse. Hymns vary greatly depending on the denomination, but there are some common themes and lyrics among the songs they sing.Hymns are typically short, easy-to-learn songs that are often designed to be sung slowly, so that congregations can enjoy singing them. Many hymns are also intended to be sung by large choirs, so that large groups of people can enjoy singing them together.

The Sanctus and the Alleluia

The Sanctus and the Alleluia are two very common Christian hymns that are often sung during the Offertory. The Sanctus begins with the words “Holy, Holy, Holy” and is a call and response hymn. The Sanctus is a very significant part of the Catholic Mass, and is usually sung by the Priest and congregation during the Offertory.The Alleluia is a very old Catholic hymn that is often accompanied by clapping and hand-clapping. Both the Sanctus and the Alleluia are used during the Offertory and other Catholic ceremonies to set the tone for the rest of the service. The Sanctus and the Alleluia are also frequently used in Protestant services.

The Doxology

The Doxology is a very common Christian hymn that is often sung during the Pledge of Allegiance. The Doxology is a song that praises God and his creation. It has also been called the “Great Amen”, and is commonly referred to as the “Amen Chorus”, due to its popularity in Christian services. The lyrics of the Doxology are “Praise God from whom all blessings flow / Praise him all creatures here below / Praise Him above all other words / Praise him above all sound.”The Doxology is often combined with other hymns, such as the Sanctus and the Alleluia.

Singing the Psalm

The Psalm is another common Christian hymn that is often sung during the Psalm portion of a service. The Psalm is a poem or song that expresses praise and thanks to God. The Psalms are part of the Christian Bible, and there are 150 Psalms in total. The Psalm is read and sung by the people in the congregation during the Psalm portion of church services.Psalms are often read and sung by the congregation during Christian services that are not part of the Psalms. Psalm singing is a common practice during Catholic services, especially during the Holy Hours.


Hymns are a very common part of Christian services, and they’re often used to set the mood and provide spiritual inspiration. Hymns vary greatly depending on the denomination and language, but there are some common themes and lyrics among the songs they sing. The most common Christian hymns are the Sanctus, the Alleluia, the Doxology, and the Psalm. If you’re not familiar with most church hymns, or if you’re attending a new church for the first time, this guide will help you understand what you hear during church services and its significance to those who sing them.