Christians have been gathering in groups for thousands of years. Religious leaders, saints and prophets were all given gifts and responsibilities for building up the body of Christ. Unfortunately, much of modern Christianity has become isolated from one another in buildings. This isolation is unfortunate because it prevents us from hearing each other’s stories, hearing new ideas and truly understanding how God has wired us all differently.But what if we took the gifts of the church seriously? What if we saw our local congregation not only as a building, but as a living congregation of God’s people?In God’s Word, we see that the church is meant to be a living, breathing organism that grows and changes together through the Holy Spirit. The New Testament is full of examples of how this should be. The church of Corinth, for example, was fragmented with different groups of people meeting in different homes. And yet, they came together as one body to hear and understand God’s truth, which is still true today.How do we do this in our own congregations? Well, the first step is acknowledging that there are gifts within your congregation that can help facilitate this growth and change. These are called gifts. Each Christian has a unique set of gifts that God has given them to use. The purpose of these gifts is to help build up the entire body of Christ. But how? Here are some ways your church might discover your gifts and how you might use them to help build up the body of Christ:

How to Discover Your Gifts

The best way to discover your gifts is to ask the members of your congregation. Start a conversation with them asking them what they think their gifts are. You might have them write down their answers. You might even create a small survey you can send out to them.The best way to discover your gifts is to know your congregation. Find out as much as you can about your members and what their gifts are. You can do this in a variety of ways, including through small group discussions, surveys, or even one-on-one conversations. Keep in mind that your members might not even know they have certain gifts.

Gifts for Gathering

There are a lot of ways to help a congregation grow. Some of these might be more helpful than others, depending on your church’s current state. But one thing is for sure: every congregation needs to gather. And one way to do that is by hosting a small group. Small groups are a great way to connect with people in your congregation, and they are also a great way to discover your congregation’s gifts.If you are hosting a small group, be sure to invite all ages. Small groups can be for all ages, but they are best if they include people of all ages. You can have a small group of retirees, a small group for people in your neighbourhood, or a small group for students at a nearby university. The key is to create a group where everyone feels comfortable.

Gifts for Serving

Every congregation needs servants. This doesn’t just refer to the people who are in charge of your church (like the pastor and elders). It also refers to the people who are actively serving your congregation members.The way you serve your congregation members is a great place to discover your gifts. Think about all the different ways you can serve. Is there someone you can visit who might be lonely? Are there people who could use a ride to church or who need help with groceries? Are there people who need child care on Sundays? No matter what your gifts are, there is someone who could really use your help.The key to this is being sensitive to your members and asking what they might need.

Gifts for Leading

Every congregation has leaders. These might be people who are in charge of a specific department, like the music director or the children’s pastor. Or they might be people who serve in different roles, like the elders or the Sunday School teachers.The best way to discover your gifts as a leader is to ask yourself: what do you want your congregation to look like? What kind of church do you want to be?What are your congregants looking for? Where do they need help? What is the biggest need for your congregation? Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start to think about how you can use your gifts to help lead your church in this direction.

Gifts for Growing

Every congregation also needs to grow. It’s important to consider what your church’s overall goal is, then figure out how you can help it grow toward that goal.The best way to discover your gifts for growing your congregation is to ask yourself: what is your church’s vision? What does your church want to accomplish?How can you help your church grow toward this goal?You might want to look at the statistics for your congregation. You might want to speak with your pastors or elders and find out what they think your congregation needs. You might want to hold a vote or poll your congregation members to get their input.


The best way to discover your gifts is to know your congregation. And the best way to know your congregation is to be present in it. No matter how many people you have in your congregation, there is always room for more. And with more people, there will be more gifts.And when you discover your gifts, you are given a chance to use them for God. You have the opportunity to help your congregation grow, to serve your members, and to lead your church toward God’s vision for it.